



Balbarini, N., Frederiksen, M., Rønde, V., Møller, I.B., Sonne, A.T., McKnight, U.S., Pedersen, J.K., Binning, P.J., Bjerg, P.L. (2020). Assessing the Transport of Pharmaceutical Compounds in a Layered Aquifer Discharging to a Stream. Groundwater, 58, 208-223.

Balbarini, N.; Rønde, V.; Maurya, P.; Fiandaca, G.; Ingelise Møller, I.; Klint, K.E.; Christiansen, A.V.; Philip J. Binning, P.J.; Bjerg, P.L. (2018). Geophysics based contaminant mass discharge quantification downgradient of a landfill and a former pharmaceutical factory. Water Resources Research. 54, 8, 5436-5456.

Bücker, M; Orozco, A.F.; Kemna, A. (2018). Electrochemical polarization around metallic particles — Part 1: The role of diffuse-layer and volume-diffusion relaxation. Geophysics, 83, E203-E217.

Bücker, M; Undorf, S.; Orozco, A.F.; Kemna, A. (2019). Electro-chemical polarization around metallic particles - Part 2: The role of diffuse surface charge. Geophysics. 84, E57-E73.

Bücker, M; Orozco, A.F.; Hördt, A.; Kemna, A. (2018). An analytical membrane-polarization model to predict the complex conductivity signature of immiscible liquid hydrocarbon contaminants. Near Surface Geophysics, 15, 547-562.

Cremeans, Mackenzie; Devlin, J.; McKnight, U. S.; Bjerg, P. L. (2020). A Comparison of Tools and Methods for Estimating Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange. Groundwater monitoring and remediation. 40, 24-34.

Cremeans, Mackenzie; Devlin, J.; Osorno, T.; McKnight, U. S.; Bjerg, P. L. (2018). Application of New Point Measurement Device to Quantify Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 206, 75-80.

Cremeans, M.M., Devlin, J.F., Nairn, R. (2019). Assessment of Bed Hydraulics and Metals Loadings in a Passive Vertical Flow Bioreactor in Commerce, Oklahoma. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. 39, 40-47.

Fiandaca, G.; Maurya P.K.; Balbarini, N.; Hördt, A., Christiansen, A. V.; Foged, N.; Bjerg, P. L.; Auken, E. (2018). Hydraulic permeability estimation directly from logging-while-drilling Induced Polarization data. Water Resources Research. 54, 2851–2870.

Fiandaca G., Meldgaard Madsen L., Maurya P.K. (2018). Re-parameterisations of the Cole-Cole model for improved spectral inversion of induced polarization data. Near Surface Geophysics, 16 (4), 385-399.

Fiandaca G. (2018). Induction-free acquisition range in spectral time- and frequency-domain induced polarization at field scale. Geophysical Journal International, In Press.

Fiandaca G., Olsson P.I., Dahlin T., Auken E. (2018). Non-standard responses in time-domain induced polarization measurements. Geophysical Journal International. Submitted.

Johansson S., Rossi M., Hall S. A., Sparrenbom C., Hagerberg D., Tudisco E., Rosqvist H., Dahlin T. (2018). Combining spectral induced polarization with x-ray tomography to investigate the importance of DNAPL geometry in sand samples. Geophysics.

Høyer, A-S; Klint, KES; Maurya, P; Christiansen, A.; Balbarini, N.; Bjerg, P.L.; Hansen, T.B.; Møller, IL. (2018). Development of a high-resolution 3D geological model for landfill leachate risk assessment. Engineering Geology. Submitted.

Maurya, P.K.; Balbarini, N.; Balling, I.; Rønde, V.; Christiansen, A.V.; Bjerg, P.L.; Auken, E.; Fiandaca, G. (2018). Subsurface imaging of water electrical conductivity, hydraulic permeability and lithology at contaminated sites by induced polarization. Geophysical Journal International. 213, 2, 770–785.

Maurya P.K.; Fiandaca G.; Christiansen A.V.; Auken E. (2018). Field-scale comparison of frequency- and time-domain spectral induced polarization, Geophysical Journal International. Submitted.

Madsen L.M.; Fiandaca G.; Christiansen A.V.; Auken E. (2018). Resolution of well-known resistivity equivalences by inclusion of time-domain induced polarization data. Geophysics. 83 (1), 1-39.

Olsson P.-I., Fiandaca G., Maurya P.K., Dahlin T., Auken E. (2018). Effect of current pulse duration and recovering unbiased, quantitative induced polarization models from time-domain full-response and integral chargeability data. Geophysical Journal International. Submitted.

Osorno, T., Devlin, J.F. (2018). An in-well point velocity probe for the rapid characterization of groundwater velocity at the centimeter-scale. Journal of Hydrology. 557, 539-546.

Ottosen, C.B.; Rønde, V.; Trapp, S.; Bjerg, P.L.; Broholm, M.M. (2018) Phytoscreening for vinyl chloride in groundwater discharging to a stream. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation. 38, 66-74.
Rossi M., Dahlin T, Olsson P.I. and Günther T. (2018) Data acquisition, processing and filtering for reliable 3D resistivity and time-domain induced polarization tomography in an urban area: field example of Vinsta, Stockholm, Special issue on urban geophysics, Near Surface Geophysics, 16, 220-229.

Sonne; A.T.; Rasmussen, J.J. Höss, S.; Traunspurger, W.; Bjerg, P.L.; McKnight, U.S. (2018). Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system. Science of the Total Environment. 642, 1153-1162.

Balbarini, N.; Boon W.; Nicolajsen E..; Nordbotten J.; Bjerg P. L.; Binning P. J. (2017). Model of the influence of meanders on groundwater discharge to streams. Journal of Hydrology. 552, 168–181.

Bücker, M.; Flores Orozco, A.; Hördt A.; Kemna A. (2017). An analytical membrane-polarization model to predict the complex conductivity signature of immiscible liquid hydrocarbon contaminants. Near Surface Geophysics. 15 (6), 547 - 562.

Madsen L.M.; Fiandaca G.; Auken E.; Christiansen A.V. (2017). Time-domain induced polarization–an analysis of Cole–Cole parameter resolution and correlation using Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion. Geophysical Journal International. 211 (3), 1341-1353.

Maurya, P. K., V. K. Rønde, G. Fiandaca, N. Balbarini, E. Auken, P. L. Bjerg, and A. V. Christiansen, 2017, Detailed landfill leachate plume mapping using 2D and 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography - with correlation to ionic strength measured in screens. Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 138, p. 1-8. (OA, 100%)

Rossi M.; Olsson P.I.; Johanson S.; Fiandaca G.; Bergdahl D.P.; Dahlin T. (2017). Mapping geological structures in bedrock via large-scale direct current resistivity and time-domain induced polarization tomography. Near Surface Geophysics. 15 (6), 657 - 667.

Rønde, V.; McKnight, U.S.; Sonne, A.Th.; Balbarini, N.; Devlin, J.F.; Bjerg, P.L. (2017). Contaminant mass discharge to streams: comparing direct groundwater velocity measurements and multi-level groundwater sampling with an in-stream approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 206, 43-54.

Sonne, A.T., McKnight, U.S., Rønde, V., Bjerg, P.L. (2017). Assessing the chemical contamination dynamics in a mixed land-use stream system. Water Research. 125, 141-151.

Boon, W. M.; Balbarini, Nicola; Binning, Philip John; Nordbotten, J. M. (2016). Efficient water table evolution discretization using domain transformation. Computational Geosciences. 21(1), 3-11.

Papers in Danish journals
Bjerg, P.L., Christiansen, A.V., Møller, I., Møller, M.G., Hansen, T.B., Pedersen, J.K., (2018). GEOCON - Udvikling og integrering af geofysiske målinger i forureningsundersøgelser. Vand og Jord. 25, 1, 4-7.

Christiansen, A.V., Fiandaca, G., Maurya, P.K., Møller, I., Auken, E., Balbarini, N., Bjerg, P.L. (2018). 3D-kortlægning af hydrauliske ledningsevne med nye geofysiske måling. Vand og Jord. 25, 1, 8-11.

Møller, I., Høyer, A-S., Klint, K.E., Fiandaca, G., Maurya, P.K., Balbarini, N., Christiansen, A.V., Møller, M.G., Bjerg, P.L (2018). Hvordan kan 3D geologiske modeller bruges i forureningsundersøgelser? Vand og Jord. 25, 1, 12-15.

Bjerg, P.L., Balbarini, N., Rønde, V., Christiansen, A.V., Maurya, P.K., Fiandaca, G., Auken, E., Møller, I., Møller, M.G. (2018). Geofysik kortlægger grundvandsforurening. Vand og Jord. 25, 1, 16-20.

Bjerg, P.L., Balbarini, N., Rønde, V., McKnight, U.S., Christiansen, A.V., Auken, E., Fiandaca, G., Maurya, P.K., Møller, I., Høyer, A.-S., Pjetursson, B., Klint, K.E., Pedersen, J.K., Christensen, J.F., Hansen, T.B., Pedersen, J., Møller. M.G. (2018). GEOCON – Et strategisk forskningsprojekt med udvikling og integrering af geofysiske målinger i forureningsundersøgelser. Miljø og Ressourcer, Magasin, 2-12.
13 MARCH 2025