GEOCON Knowledge Exchange Group Meeting at DTU May 15th, 2018
This meeting is the final meeting for the whole GEOCON project and as the program shows the international partners and the advisory board for the project have been invited.
It is a great opportunity to listen to some of the leading international researchers within the field.
The GEOCON researchers will present some of the results from the project.
There will be time for questions and at the end of the day there has been scheduled time for informal discussions.
Time |
Agenda point |
Responsible |
9.30-10.00 |
Coffee and get together |
10.00-10.10 |
Introduction |
Poul L. Bjerg, DTU |
10.10-10.35 |
The use and need of high resolution hydrogeological and chemical data in groundwater modelling |
Chunmiao Zheng, Peking University
10.35-11.00 |
Permeability estimation from induced polarization data |
Gianluca Fiandaca, AU |
11.00-11.10 |
Mini break |
11.10-11.35 |
Subsurface imaging of water electrical conductivity, hydraulic permeability and lithology at contaminated sites by induced polarization |
Pradip Maurya, AU. |
11.35-12.00 |
“Follow the money water” – promising news ways to do it |
Rick Devlin, Kansas University |
12.00-12.55 |
Lunch |
12.55-13.40 |
Lessons learned from long-term groundwater monitoring at the Bemidji crude-oil spill site |
Isabelle Cozzarelli, U.S. Geological Survey
13.40-14.05 |
Development of high resolution 3 D geological models by an integrated approach |
Ingelise Møller, GEUS |
14.05-14.30 |
Plume behavior and fate of chlorinated ethenes at the Grindsted stream site |
Ursula McKnight, DTU |
14.30-14.50 |
Coffee break |
14.50-15.35 |
Geophysical characterization and monitoring of the Bemidji crude oil spill site
Lee Slater, Rutgers University
15.35-16.00 |
On the challenges to discriminate lithological, textural and contamination effects in spectral induced polarization responses
Andreas Kemna, University of Bonn |
Mini break |
16.10-16.35 |
The “Mirachl” project “Characterisation and monitoring of in-situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach” |
Torleif Dahlin, Lund University
16.35-17.00 |
Estimating contaminant mass discharge by use of geophysics
Nicola Balbarini, DTU |
17.00 |
Wrap up |
Poul L. Bjerg, DTU |