
Project Aims

The overall objective of the project is to develop an integrated and cost-effective contaminated site characterization tool. The specific scientific objectives are to:

  • Develop a new set of tools for mapping of contaminant plumes using integrated water sampling, conceptual geological and hydrogeological site models, surface and borehole geophysics and coupled solute transport models.
  • Quantify contaminant mass discharges to groundwater and surface water by development of new field approaches and estimation tools including uncertainty analysis, and integrate them with national risk assessment tools.
  • Establish a close relation between induced polarization (IP) and resistivity (DC) signals, contaminant types and concentration, and test the new IP methods at Danish contaminated sites.
  • Develop a distributed resistivity/IP (DCIP) measurement system which efficiently and with minimal electromagnetic data disturbance, measures broadband IP signals in the time domain.

The new methods and technologies will be developed in close collaboration with national stake holders, international research partners and tested on landfill leachate plumes in Denmark.

13 MARCH 2025